Friday, 13 January 2012

Reflection - Making of the title sequence

On Wednesday the group and Megan's little sister all got together and went to Joely's house to make half of the footage we need for our title sequence. It went really well seen as we got most of the shots done in the space of 2/3 hours. We got some good and scary shots throughout the process, this lead on to improvising new shots and ideas while recording our original storyboard shots. These were, quick shots of the character on top of the stairs and a shot of the characters shadow moving (flash motion). The main part of this day/recording was to get most of the shots of 'Rosie' played by Megan's little sister, this was so we have a rough idea on how the lighting would be and how it would look from her moving to different sets throughout the sequence. I think it went really well seen as it was a fun process but scary which was good because, if we was scared recording it then we would know when we edit it with music and effects the audience should be like it too.
Our next recording time will be the same time next wednesday when we will be recording the main prop of the title sequence (the book) which be presenting the cast and crews names and drawings. Stick men of happy and bad images and crayon writing, which creates the mood and also shows that the kids drawing it, which gives the audience an aery feeling.

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